We see you.
You’ve been fighting this fight for decades, sometimes wondering if it was all for nothing. This isn’t a new fight, and we want you to know we recognize that. We recognize YOU. And we want you to take care of yourself. Ask for help when
you need it. Don’t be afraid to take time off or pass the torch to someone else. Most importantly be sure you are part of a strong network of like-minded people who will support you and encourage positive mental health strategies.
New to the fight? Becoming enlightened about the world around you, how our society was designed and the negative impact it’s had on you, your family or your friends can be difficult to absorb. Enlightenment has both the power to fuel your fight and knock the wind out of your sails. For that reason, we encourage you to be vigilant when it comes to your mental and physical health.
Ready to become a better ally? Not only do we want you to be aware of exactly what that entails, we want you to be ready for what you may need to sacrifice.
This isn’t easy work. Whether you’re a survivor o
r an ally, anti-racism and discrimination work can take its toll.
Stay informed. Stay equipped. Stay ready.

*The Department of National Defence Canadian Armed Forces developed the MHC model to demonstrate that an individual’s mental health status ranges on a continuum. There are many versions of the MHC model available online. This is an adaptation of that model.
As part of OABP and YorkU-TD CEC's free workshop series designed to help Black and racialized individuals navigate racism in the workplace and help individuals become more impactful allies, you will learn what th
e cost of this work is and how to protect your mental and physical health. There are limited spots available for the in-person programs. The program will also be made available online at a later and are in the process of being developed into a documentary with Potential Films Inc.
The program:
From the Page to the Stage is the fourth course in OABP’s Navigating Racism in the Workplace series, presented by Shequita Thompson-Reid.
“This course will explore shared practices and opportunities for creative entry points for change, creating space to talk about change at all levels, talk about collective ways of healing and support and look at opportunities for building communities of practice in this shared work. Participants will leave this session with a shared sense of community and a space to unpack what trauma and healing looks like..” – STR Consulting
Register here: https://www.oabp.org/free-master-class-series
Strategies for Impactful Allyship is a workshop series specifically designed to help non-racialized individuals develop strategies to aid in impactful allyship. The series is also presented by Shequita Thompson-Reid. Allyship in the System is the third course in this series.
“Sessions will identify the places participants can make systemic shifts in institutions for transformative justice. Participants will gain an understanding of the impact and power of being co-conspirators in this work.” – STR Consulting
Helpful resources:
1. The Mental Health Continuum – OABP.org: https://www.oabp.org/_files/ugd/f827ab_345c4514cc9d450aa3529cf57a15a1ea.pdf
2. Racism and Mental Health – Help Guide: https://www.helpguide.org/articles/ptsd-trauma/racism-and-mental-health.htm
3. What are the effects of racism on health and mental health? – Medical News Today: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/effects-of-racism
4. White people say they want to be an ally. But are they ready for the sacrifice? – The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/jun/29/white-people-ally-black-people-sacrifice
5. What does diversity and inclusion mean? – Simma Lieberman: https://simmalieberman.com/what-does-it-mean-to-be-a-diversity-inclusion-ally/#:~:text=By%20Simma%20LiebermanMarch%2013,in%20the%20workplace%20or%20community.
6. Be a better ally – Harvard Business Review: https://hbr.org/2020/11/be-a-better-ally
7. The Personal Cost of Allyship and Ethics – Simone Samuels (Medium): https://simonesamuels.medium.com/the-personal-cost-of-allyship-and-ethics-6094018fd928